
Linux Tail Command: How to Monitor Logs and Files in Real-Time

Linux Tail Command: How to Monitor Logs and Files in Real-Time
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The tail command in Linux is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to view the last part of a file. It is especially useful for monitoring log files in real-time or quickly accessing the latest updates in a text file. But how it works, what it does, and how you can use it effectively.

What Does the tail Command Do?

The tail command displays the last few lines of a file. By default, it shows the last 10 lines, but you can customize the number of lines you want to see. This makes it a great choice for quickly checking the end of a file without needing to scroll through the entire document.

Basic Syntax: The basic syntax of the tail command is:

tail [options] [file]
  • [options]: Flags you can use to modify the command's behavior.

  • [file]: The name of the file you want to read.

Example: If you have a file called example.txt and you want to see its last 10 lines, you can run:

tail example.txt

Commonly Used Options

-n Option: Specify Number of Lines

You can use the -n flag to specify the number of lines you want to see. This command will display the last 5 lines of example.txt.

tail -n 5 example.txt

-f Option: Follow a File in Real-Time

The -f option is incredibly useful for monitoring log files. It allows you to see new lines as they are added to a file in real-time. This command will show you the last 10 lines of the syslog file and continuously update as new lines are added.

tail -f /var/log/syslog

-c Option: Display Last N Bytes

If you prefer to view the last N bytes of a file instead of lines, you can use the -c flag. This will show the last 20 bytes of example.txt.

tail -c 20 example.txt

Practical Uses of the tail Command

Monitoring Log Files: System administrators often use the tail -f command to monitor log files for errors or activity. This will continuously display the latest entries in the Apache access log.

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log

Debugging Applications: When troubleshooting an application, you can use tail to check log files for errors or warnings. This command will display the last 20 lines of the application’s log file.

tail -n 20 /path/to/app.log

Checking Configuration Changes: After making changes to a configuration file, you might want to verify the outcome by checking the last few lines of a related log file:

tail -n 15 /var/log/nginx/error.log


The tail command is a versatile and essential tool in Linux for viewing the end of a file. With its options like -n, -f, and -c, you can tailor it to meet your specific needs.
