There are many ways to create animations in Blender. One of them is using increasing or decreasing numbers to create a timer. With this technique, you can make countdown or count-up animations and use this method in digital clocks, 3D comparison videos, and various other projects.
First, we need to set up our workspace. In Blender, we can open different types of windows simultaneously. To work with the Geometry Nodes Editor, we split the screen into two: one side as the node editor and the other as the 3D viewport.
Next, we create text using nodes. The String to Curves node displays the text as a curve, making it visible in the scene. The Value to String node converts numbers into text, helping us create a dynamic number animation.
To animate the numbers, we add a Value node. This node allows us to change the number dynamically. If we add keyframes to this value, we can create an animation where the number increases or decreases over time.
By default, Blender smooths animations using Bezier interpolation. If we want the number to change at a constant speed, we need to adjust the interpolation to Linear in the Graph Editor.
Finally, we can use the Decimal setting to customize the numbers. This way, we can animate not only whole numbers but also decimal values.
This method can be used for digital clocks, countdown timers, or animated data displays. Thanks to Blender’s Geometry Nodes, we can visually control numbers without writing any code.